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Air: Publications and Papers

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Chung, Chloe S., Lane, Kevin J., Black-Ingersoll, Flannery, Kolaczyk, Eric, Schollaert, Claire, Li, Sijia, Simon, Matthew C., Levy, and Jonathan I. Assessing the impact of aircraft arrival on ambient ultrafine particle number concentrations in near-airport communities in Boston, Massachusetts. Environmental Research, 225(15), May 2023.
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Son, Sophie, Hastings, Aaron, Chupp, William, Margiotta, Richard A., and Ge, Richard. Database for Air Quality and Noise Analysis (DANA) Tool Version 2.0 User Guide. Federal Highway Administration, January 2023, FHWA-HEP-23-007.
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Behan, Molly, Simon, Matthew C., Mittelman, Anjuliee, Glaze, Mark, and Ho, Cecilia. CMAQ Travel Advisories Tool. CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, September 2022. 
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Chupp, William, Mittelman, Anjuliee, Glaze, Mark, and Ho, Cecilia. Adaptive Traffic Control Systems (ATCS). CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, November 2022.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Chupp, William, Raymond, Abby, Mittelman, Anjuliee, Glaze, Mark, and Ho, Cecilia. Transit Bus Service and Fleet Expansion. CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, September 2022.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Mittelman, Anjuliee, Chouinard, Anne-Marie, Glaze, Mark, and Ho, Cecilia, Estimating Emission Benefits of Electronic Open-Road Tolling Conversion Projects, 115th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 2022.
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Raymond, Abby, Mittelman, Anjuliee, Glaze, Mark, and Ho, Cecilia. Electric Vehicles and EV Charging Infrastructure. CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, November 2022. 
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Raymond, Abby, Simon, Matthew C., Mittelman, Anjuliee, Glaze, Mark, and Ho, Cecilia. CMAQ Non-Road Construction and Intermodal Equipment Tool. CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, April 2022. 
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Simon, Matthew C., Mittelman, Anjuliee, Solman, Gina, Gilman, Scott, Henning, Olivia, Raymond, Abby, and Blatnica, Rebecca. Carbon dioxide emissions from four real-world inter-city passenger trips: A comparison of rail, air, and road travel modes by city pair. Federal Railroad Administration, December 2022.
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Thayer, Katherine L., Lane, Kevin, Simon, Matthew C., Brugge, Doug, and Fuller, Christina H. An exploratory analysis of sociodemographic characteristics with ultrafine particle concentrations in Boston, MA. PLoS ONE, 17(3), March 2022.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Chouinard, Anne-Marie, Chan, Elana, Mittelman, Anjuliee, Glaze, Mark, D’Onofrio, David, and Ho, Cecilia, Electronic Open-Road Tolling, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, November 2021.
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Wright, Rosalind J., Hsu, Hsiao-Hsien Leon, Chiu, Yueh-Hsiu Mathilda, Coull, Brent A., Simon, Matthew C., Hudda, Neelakshi, Schwartz, Joel, Kloog, Itai, and Durant, John L. Prenatal ambient ultrafine particle exposure and childhood asthma in the northeast United States. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 204(7): 788-796, October 2021.
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Bai, Song, Eilbert, Andrew, Jue, Deborah, Scott, Beverly, Sexton, Tim, Shamoon, Charles, and Crunican, Grace, Peer Review Report for the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project Environmental Assessment, Urban Mobility Office, Oregon Department of Transportation, May 2020.
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Cynthia Lee, Meghan Ahearn Shumway, Sunje Hwang and Theodore Thrasher, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 3c User Manual, March 2020, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-20-04.
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Cynthia Lee, Sunje Hwang, Eric Boeker, Robert Downs, Andrew Malwitz, Meghan Ahearn Shumway, and Theodore Thrasher, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 3c Technical Manual, March 2020.
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Cynthia Lee, Sunje Hwang, Meghan Ahearn Shumway, and Theodore Thrasher, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 3c Installation Manual, March 2020.
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Cynthia Lee, Meghan Ahearn Shumway, Sunje Hwang, and Theodore Thrasher, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Supplemental Manual: Quick Start Tutorial, March 2020.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Chouinard, Anne-Marie, Tiernan, Tim, and Smith, Scott B., Performance Comparisons of Cooperative and Adaptive Cruise Control Testing, 113th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 2020.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Chupp, William, Mittelman, Anjuliee, Glaze, Mark, Kall, David, Perritt, Karen, and Ho, Cecilia, Managed Lanes and Conversions, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, January 2020.
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Hartley, Seth, Hader, John, Eilbert, Andrew, Noel, George, Tidd, Leo, and Carr, Edward, Streamlining Carbon Monoxide Project-Level Air Quality Analyses with Programmatic Agreements, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Project 25-25 Task 104, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, March 2020.
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Hudda, Neelakshi, Simon, Matthew C., Patton, Allison P., Durant, and John L., Reductions in traffic-related black carbon and ultrafine particle number concentrations in an urban neighborhood during the COVID-19 pandemic, Science of the Total Environment, v. 742, November 2020.
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Pildes, Russell, Mittelman, Anjuliee, Bucci, Greg, Foreman, Christina, and Noel, George, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program: Cost-Effectiveness Tables Updates, Federal Highway Administration, July 2020.
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Simon, Matthew C., Mittelman, Anjuliee, Glaze, Mark, and Ho, Cecilia. CMAQ Locomotive and Marine Engine Retrofit and Replacement Tool. CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, October 2020. 
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Cynthia Lee, Meghan Ahearn Shumway, Sunje Hwang and Theodore Thrasher, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 3b User Manual, September 2019, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-19-02.
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Cynthia Lee, Meghan Ahearn Shumway, Sunje Hwang and Theodore Thrasher, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 3b User Guide Supplemental, September 2019.
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Cynthia Lee, Sunje Hwang, Meghan Ahearn Shumway, and Theodore Thrasher, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 3b Installation Guide, September 2019.
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Cynthia Lee, Sunje Hwang, Eric Boeker, Robert Downs, Andrew Malwitz, Meghan Ahearn Shumway, and Theodore Thrasher, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 3b Technical Manual, September 2019, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-19-03.
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Cynthia Lee, Sunje Hwang, Meghan Ahearn Shumway, and Theodore Thrasher, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 3b AEDT Standard Input File (ASIF) Reference Guide, September 2019.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Berg, Ian, and Smith, Scott B., Meta-Analysis of Adaptive Cruise Control Applications: Operational and Environmental Benefits, FHWA-JPO-18-743, Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, Federal Highway Administration, June 2019.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Berg, Ian, and Smith, Scott B., Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Adaptive Cruise Control Applications: Operational and Environmental Benefits: 98th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2019.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Pildes, Russell, Mittelman, Anjuliee, Glaze, Mark, and Ho, Cecilia, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program: CMAQ Toolkit Overview and Demo: 2019 International Emissions Inventory Conference, Tools Session, August 2019.

Mittelman, Anjuliee, Eilbert, Andrew, Pildes, Russell, Noel, George, Glaze, Mark, Kall, David, Perritt, Karen, and Ho, Cecilia, Diesel Idle Reduction Technologies, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, January 2019.
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Mittelman, Anjuliee, Pildes, Russell, Eilbert, Andrew, Glaze, Mark, Kall, David, and Ho, Cecilia, Dust Mitigation Practices, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, August 2019.
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Pildes, Russell, Eilbert, Andrew, Mittelman, Anjuliee, Noel, George, Glaze, Mark, Kall, David, Perritt, Karen, and Ho, Cecilia, Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, January 2019.
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Porter, Christopher, Grose, Timothy, Boriboonsomsin, Kanok, Koupal, John, Noel, George, and Eilbert, Andrew, Guide to Truck Activity Data for Emissions Modeling, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Project 08-101, Research Report 909, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, June 2019.
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Porter, Christopher, Grose, Timothy, Boriboonsomsin, Kanok, Koupal, John, Noel, George, and Eilbert, Andrew, Case Studies of Truck Activity Data for Emissions Modeling, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Project 08-101, Web-Only Document 261, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, June 2019.
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Smith, Scott B., Chouinard, Anne-Marie, Tiernan, Tim and Eilbert, Andrew, Comparing Performance of Cooperative and Adaptive Cruise Control Field Tests: Automated Vehicle Symposium 2019, July 2019.

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Eilbert, Andrew, Chouinard, Anne-Marie, Berthaume, Andrew, and Smith, Scott B., Finding the tipping point: a sensitivity analysis of network performance and environmental benefits of cooperative adaptive cruise control in freeway driving: Automated Vehicle Symposium 2018, July 2018.

Eilbert, Andrew, Jackson, Lauren, Noel, George, and Smith, Scott B., A Framework for Evaluating Energy and Emissions of Connected and Automated Vehicles Through Traffic Microsimulations: 97h Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2018.
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Peters, Junenette L., Zevitas, Christopher D., Redline, Susan, Hastings, Aaron, Sizov, Natalia, Hard, Jaime E., Levy, Jonathan I., Roof, Christopher J., and Wellenius, Gregory A., Aviation Noise and Cardiovascular Health in the United States: a Review of the Evidence and Recommendations for Research Direction, Current Epidemiology Reports, April 2018.
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Smith, Scott B., Noel, George, and Eilbert, Andrew, “Vehicle Operations,” and, “Energy/Emissions,” Benefits Estimation Model for Automated Vehicle Operations: Phase 2 Final Report, Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, US Department of Transportation, January 2018.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Jackson, Lauren, Noel, George, O’Donnell, Brian, and Smith, Scott B., Evaluating Energy and Emissions Impacts of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) Technology through Traffic Microsimulations: Automated Vehicle Symposium 2017, Breakout Session 9, July 2017.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Jackson, Lauren, Noel, George, and Smith, Scott B., Potential Energy and Emissions Benefits of Vehicle Automation and Connectivity: 2017 International Emissions Inventory Conference, Session 8, August 2017.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Solman, Gina, Noel, George, Glaze, Mark, Kall, David, and Ho, Cecilia, Alternative Fuels and Vehicles, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, May 2017.
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2c Service Pack 2 Installation Guide, March 2017. 
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2d 2 Installation Guide, September 2017. 
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Kropas, Ryan, Solman, Gina, Eilbert, Andrew, Noel, George, Glaze, Mark, Kall, David, and Ho, Cecilia, Carpooling and Vanpooling, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, September 2017.
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Reed, Erin, Solman, Gina, Noel, George, Eilbert, Andrew, Glaze, Mark, Kall, David, Biondi, Emily, and Ho, Cecilia, Advanced Diesel Truck/Engine Technologies, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, January 2017.
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Senzig, David, Zubrow, Alexis, Downs, Robert, Tripp, Lyle, Thrasher, Ted, DiPardo, Joseph, and Majeed, Mohammed, AEDT sensor path methods using BADA4, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-17-13, Office of Environment and Energy, Federal Aviation Administration, June 2017.
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Yang, Ci (Jessie), Solman, Gina, Eilbert, Andrew, Noel, George, Glaze, Mark, Kall, David, and Ho, Cecilia, Transit Bus Retrofits and Replacements, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, December 2017.
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Zubrow, Alexis, Parsons, Christy, Cook, Eyth, Alison, Vukovich, Jeff, Brown, Jarrod, Andrei, Paul, and Seppanen, Catherine, Modules - A New Tool in the Emissions Modeling Framework: 2017 International Emissions Inventory Conference, Session 7, August 2017.
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Brasseur, Guy R. et al., Impact of Aviation on Climate: FAA’s Climate Change Research Initiative (ACCRI) Phase II, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, April 2016, DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00089.1.
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Eilbert, Andrew, Bransfield, Stephen, Noel, George, O’Donnell, Brian, and Smith, Scott B., Mobility and Emissions Modeling of Automated Vehicles: Department of Energy SMART Mobility Workshop, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, November 2016.
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Ho, Cecilia and Solman, Gina, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: 2016 Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Annual Conference, October 2016.
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Eric Boeker, Andrew Hansen, Andrew Malwitz, George Noel, David Senzig, Alexis Zubrow, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2b Service Pack 2 Technical Manual, May 2016, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-16-09. 
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Eric Boeker, Andrew Hansen, Andrew Malwitz, George Noel, David Senzig, Alexis Zubrow, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2b Service Pack 3 Technical Manual, May 2016, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-16-11. 
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2b User Guide, June 2016, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-15-07. 
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2b Installation Guide, June 2016. 
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2c User Guide, September 2016, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-16-16. 
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Eric Boeker, Andrew Hansen, Andrew Malwitz, George Noel, David Senzig, Alexis Zubrow, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2c Technical Manual, September 2016, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-16-17. 
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2c Service Pack 1 Installation Guide, December 2016. 
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2a Standard Input File (ASIF) Reference Guide, December 2016. 
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Noel, George, et al., Assessing Emissions Impacts of Automated Vehicles: 109th Air & Waste Management Association Annual Conference and Exhibition: Paper #1105, June 2016.
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Reed, Erin, Noel, George, Smith, Scott B., Rakoff, Hannah, and Bransfield, Stephen, Assessing Emissions Impacts of Automated Vehicles: 109th Air & Waste Management Association Annual Conference and Exhibition: Paper #1105, June 2016.
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Reed, Erin, Solman, Gina, Noel, George, Zubrow, Alexis, Glaze, Mark, Biondi, Emily, and Ho, Cecilia, Traffic Flow Improvements, CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit: Federal Highway Administration, September 2016.
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Solman, Gina and Gower-Lucas, Eulalie, What Technical Approaches and Tools are Available? CMAQ Toolkit: 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting: Workshop 116, January 2016.

Wayson, Roger, Kim, Brian, Noel, George, Evaluation of Ethanol Fuel Blends in EPA MOVES2014 Model, Renewable Fuels Association, January 2016.
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Carr, Edward, Hartley, Seth, Bordner, Autumn, Zamurs, John, Wayson, Roger, and Noel, George, Programmatic Agreements for Project-Level Air Quality Analyses (NCHRP 25-25 Task 78), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, September 2015.
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2b Installation Guide, July 2015. 
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2b Installation Guide, December 2015. 
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Noel, George, Methodology for Using AEDT and MOVES for Airport Air Quality Analyses: 108th Air & Waste Association Annual Conference and Exhibition: Paper #81, June 2015.
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Noel, George, MOVES Project Level Sensitivity Analysis, Southern Transportation and Air Quality Summit (STAQS): Atlanta, GA, August 2015.
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Puckett, Sean, Noel, George, Jackson, Lauren, Marjoncu, Erik, Razo, Michael, and Reed, Erin, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program: Cost-Effectiveness Tables Development and Methodology, Federal Highway Administration, May 2015.
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Smith, Scott B., Bransfield, Stephen, Noel, George, and Reed, Erin, “Vehicle and Regional Mobility,” and, “Energy/Environment,” Benefits Estimation Framework for Automated Vehicle Operations, Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, US Department of Transportation, August 2015.
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Zubrow, Alexis, Noel, George, Baker, Gary, Grandi, Fabio, Didyk, Nicole, and Majeed, Mohammed, Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT 2b): Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Conference, October 2015.
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Allaire, Douglas, Noel, George, Willcox, Karen, and Cointin, Rebecca, Uncertainty Quantification of an Aviation Environmental Toolsuite, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, v. 126, pg. 14-24, June 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2014.01.002.
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Fleming, Gregg, Balasubramanian, Sathya, and Malwitz, Andrew, Global Fuel Burn and Emissions to 2050: 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2014.

Hall, Clifford and Noel, George, The Usage of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), Federal Aviation Administration, March 2014.
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, and Sunje Hwang. Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2a User Guide, February 2014, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-04.
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Sunje Hwang, Meghan Ahearn, Eric Boeker, Andrew Hansen, Andrew Malwitz, David Senzig, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2a Technical Manual, February 2014, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-09.
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Koopmann, Jonathan, Gina Barberio Solman, Meghan Ahearn, Sunje Hwang, et al., Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Version 2a Standard Input File (ASIF) Reference Guide, February 2014, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-15. 
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Noel, George, MOVES Project Level Sensitivity Analysis: Northern Transportation and Air Quality Summit (NTAQS): Pittsburgh, PA, August 2014.
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Noel, George, and Glaze, Mark, MOVES Project Level Sensitivity Analysis Update, January 2014.
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Noel, George, and Glaze, Mark, MOVES Project Level Sensitivity Analysis Update: Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting: Project Level Air Quality Analysis Subcommittee, ADC20, January 2014.
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Noel, George, and Glaze, Mark, MOVES Project Level Sensitivity Analysis Update: Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting: Transportation and Air Quality Committee, ADC20, January 2014.
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Noel, George, and Wayson, Roger, Assessing Emissions from Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Inspections at Weigh Stations and Port of Entry Facilities: 107th Air & Waste Management Association Annual Conference and Exhibition: Paper #33629, June 2014.
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Noel, George, and Wayson, Roger, MOVES Project Level Sensitivity Analysis, Paper #33650, June 2014.
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Hagemann, Garrett, Kymel, Kent, Klauber, Adam, Lee, Douglass B., Noel, George, Pace, David, and Taylor, Catherine, Delay and Environmental Costs of Truck Crashes, Federal Motor Carrier Administration, March 2013.
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Noel, George, MOVES Regional Level Sensitivity Analysis: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting: Regional Transportation Air Quality Subcommittee, January 2013.
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Barrett, Steven R.H. et al., Public Health, Climate, and Economic Impacts of Desulfurizing Jet Fuel, Environmental Science and Technology, v. 46, n. 8, pg. 4275-4282, March 2012. DOI: 10.1021/es203325a.
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Elgowainy, Amgad, Han, Jeongwoo, Wang, Michael, Carter, Nicholas, Stratton, Russell, Hileman, James, Malwitz, Andrew, and Balasubramanian, Life-cycle Analysis of Alternative Aviation Fuels in GREET, June 2012.
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Kim, Brian, Rachami, Jawad, Robinson, Daniel, Robinette, Brandon, Nakada, Kazumi, Arunachalam, Saravanan, Davis, Neil, Baek, B.H., Shankar, Uma, Talgo, Keven, Yang, Dongmei, Hanna, Adel F., Wayson, Roger L., Noel, George J., Cliff, Steven S., Zhao, Yongjing, Hopke, Philip K., Kumar, Pramod. Guidance for Quantifying the Contribution of Airport Emissions to Local Air Quality. ACRP Report 71, Project 02-08, ISSN: 1935-9802, ISBN: 978-0-309-25818-0, 2012.

Lewis, Kristin, Mitra, Shuchi, Xu, Sheila, Tripp, Lyle, Lau, Michael, Epstein, Alexander, Fleming, Gregg, Roof, Christopher, Alternative Jet Fuel Scenario Analysis Report, November 2012, DOT-FAA-AEE-2011-05.
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Noel, George J., Wayson, Roger L., MOVES2010a Regional Level Sensitivity Analysis, December 2012, DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-12-05.
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Environmental Assessment for Pilot Program on NAFTA Long-Haul Trucking Provisions, Docket Number FMCSA-2011-0097.

Glaze, Mark, and Wayson, Roger, MOVES Sensitivity Analysis Update: Transportation Research Board Summer Meeting 2012: ADC-20 Air Quality Committee, November 2011.
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Noel, George, and Glaze, Mark, MOVES Regional Level Sensitivity Analysis, November 2011.
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Noel, George, and Wayson, Roger, MOVES Sensitivity Study, November 2011.
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Noel, George, et al., Utilizing Traffic Simulation Tools with MOVES and AERMOD, November 2010, 2011-A-717-AWMA.
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Senzig, David, Baker, Gary, and Balasubramanian, Sathya, Environmental Modeling of Trans-Arctic and Re-routed Flights, Federal Aviation Administration, February 2010.
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Wilkerson, J.T., Jacobson, M.Z., Malwitz, Andrew, Balasubramanian, Sathya, Wayson, Roger, Fleming, Gregg, and Naiman, A.D., and Lele, S.K., Analysis of emissions data from global commercial aviation: 2004 and 2006, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 10, pg. 6391-6408, July 2010, DOI: 10.5194/acp-10-6391-2010.
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High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) Research Site Air Quality Operating Permit, Permit No. AQ0440TVP01, August 14th, 2009.

Malwitz, Andrew, Balasubramanian, Sathya, Fleming, Gregg, Impact of the Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum on the Domestic United States, Journal of Aircraft, v.46, n.1, January–February 2009. DOI: 10.2514/1.36776.
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Noel, George, Allaire, Doug, Jacobson, Stuart, Willcox, Karen. Assessment of the Aviation Environmental Design Tool. Eighth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, ATM 2009.
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Senzig, David, Fleming, Gregg, and Iovinelli, Ralph, Modeling of Terminal-Area Airplane Fuel Consumption, Journal of Aircraft, v. 46, n. 4, July-August 2009. DOI: 10.2514/1.42025.
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Wayson, Roger, Fleming, Gregg, Methodology to Estimate Particulate Matter Emissions from Certified Commercial Aircraft Engines, January 2009.
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Herndon, Scott C., Jayne, John T., Lobo, Prem, Onasch, Timothy B., Fleming, Gregg, Hagen, Donald E., Whitefield, Philip D., Miake-Lye, Richard C., Commercial Aircraft Engine Emissions Characterization of in-Use Aircraft at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport January 2008.
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Hileman, James, Katz, Jeremy B., Mantilla, Jose, and Fleming, Gregg, Payload Fuel Energy Efficiency as a Metric for Aviation Environmental Performance: 26th International Congress on the Aeronautical Sciences, September 2008.
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Patterson, Judith, Noel, George, Senzig, David, Roof, Christopher, and Fleming, Gregg, Analysis of ICAO Departure Profile Using Real-Time Cockpit Flight Data Recorder Information: 87h Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2008.
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High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) Research Site Air Quality Control Minor Permit, Permit No. AQ0440MSS01, April 30th, 2007.

Kim, Brian Y., Fleming, Gregg G., Lee, Joosung J., Waitz, Ian A., Clarke, John-Paul, Balasubramanian, Sathya, Malwitz, Andrew, Klima, Kelly, Locke, Maryalice, Holsclaw, Curtis A., Maurice, Lourdes Q., Gupta, Mohan L. System for assessing Aviation's Global Emissions (SAGE), Part 1: Model description and inventory results, Transportation Research, v.12D, n.5, July 2007. ISSN: 1361-9209.
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Lee, Joosung J., Waitz, Ian A., Kim, Brian Y., Fleming, Gregg G., Maurice, Lourdes, Holsclaw, Curtis A. System for assessing Aviation's Global Emissions (SAGE), Part 2: Uncertainty assessment, Transportation Research, v.12D, n.5, pp. 381-395.

Reherman, Clay, Fleming, Gregg. 2007. Monitoring Environmental Performance Commitments in Construction Projects, May 2007.
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Wayson, Roger L., Fleming, Gregg G., Noel, George, MacDonald, John, Eberhard, Wynn L., McCarty, Brandi, Marchbanks, Richard, Sandberg, Scott, George, Joanne, Lidar Measurement Of Exhaust Plume Characteristics From Commercial Jet Turbine Aircraft At The Denver International Airport September 2007, FAA-AEE-08-02.
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Fleming, Gregg G., Malwitz, Andrew, Kim, Brian, Maurice, Lourdes, Using FAA's SAGE Model to Conduct Global Inventories and to Assess Route-Specific Variability in Aviation Fuel Burn, Emissions and Costs September 2006.
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Kim, Brian Y., Wayson, Roger and Gregg G. Fleming. 2006. "Development of the Traffic Air Quality Simulation Model (TRAQSIM)," Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 22-26, 2006. Poster session (P06-2619).

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Kim, Brian, et al. 2005. System for Assessing Aviation's Global Emissions (SAGE), Version 1.5, Technical Manual, September 2005, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-05-15; FAA-EE-2005-01.
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Kim, Brian, et al. 2005. System for Assessing Aviation's Global Emissions (SAGE), Version 1.5, Global Aviation Emissions Inventories for 2000 through 2004. September 2005, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-05-17; FAA-EE-2005-02.
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Kim, Brian, et al. 2005. System for Assessing Aviation's Global Emissions (SAGE), Version 1.5, Validation Assessment, Model Assumptions and Uncertainties, September 2005, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-05-13; FAA-EE-2005-03.
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Reherman, Clay N. et al. 2005. Visitor Vehicle Emissions Study: Yosemite National Park, for the National Park Service, January 2005, DOT-VNTSC-NPS-05-01.
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Reherman, Clay N. et al. 2005. Visitor Vehicle Emissions Study: Joshua Tree National Park, for the National Park Service, January 2005, DOT-VNTSC-NPS-05-02.
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Reherman, Clay N. et al. 2005. Visitor Vehicle Emissions Study: Point Reyes National Seashore, for the National Park Service, January 2005, DOT-VNTSC-NPS-05-03.
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Reherman, Clay N. et al. 2005. Visitor Vehicle Emissions Study: Comparison of Traffic Data at Three California National Parks, for the National Park Service, January 2005, DOT-VNTSC-NPS-05-04.
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Reherman, Clay N. et al. 2005. Visitor Vehicle Emissions Study: Summary Report, for the National Park Service, January 2005, DOT-VNTSC-NPS-05-05.
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Fleming, Gregg G., Kim, et al. 2004. "Flight Movement Inventory: SAGE-AERO2K," Air Traffic Control Quarterly, v.12, n.2, 2004, pp. 125-145.
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Wayson, Roger, Fleming, Gregg and Brian Kim. 2004. The Use of Lidar to Characterize Aircraft Initial Plume Characteristics, February 2004, DTS-34-FA34T-LR3.
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Wayson, Roger, et al. "Integration of AERMOD into EDMS," Abstract No. 355 Session AS-1c-B.
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Wayson, Roger, et al. 2003. "Validation of FAA's Emissions and Dispersion Modeling Systems (EDMS): Carbon Monoxide Study" 96th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, San Diego, CA, June 22-26, 2003. Paper #69607.
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Wayson, Roger, et al. 2003. "FAA EDMS Airport Air Quality Model Development," 96 th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, San Diego, CA, June 22-26, 2003. Paper #69574.

Wayson, Roger, et al. 2003. "Use of Lidar to Characterize Aircraft Exhaust Plumes," 96 th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, San Diego , CA , June 22-26, 2003. Paper #69965.
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Wayson, Roger, et al. 2003. "Derivation of a First Order Approximation of Particulate Matter from Aircraft," 96 th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, San Diego, CA, June 22-26, 2003. Paper #69970.
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Roof, Christopher, et al. 2002. Noise and Air Quality Implications of Alternative Transportation Systems: Zion and Acadia National Park Case Studies, August 2002, DTS-34-HW-21M-LR1-B.
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Alternative Transportation Systems - Making Our National Parks Cleaner and Quieter, Brochure for National Park Service.
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Draper, Julie, Wayson, Roger, Kim, Brian and Gregg Fleming. "Current Air Quality Research at FAA," Abstract No. 354 Session No. AS-1c-B.

FAA's Air Quality Support - Six Defined Support Projects. DTS-34-FA02A-LR1. March 7, 2000.

Wayson, Roger et al. 2000. "The Modeling of Aircraft Deicing Fluids Deposition," 93 rd Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, Salt Lake City, UT, June 18-22, 2000.
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Wayson, Roger and Brian Kim. 2000. "Development of a Modal Emissions Model Using Data from the Comprehensive Government/Industry Exhaust Emission Test Program," 93 rd Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association , Salt Lake City, UT, June 18-22, 2000.
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Wayson, Roger, et al. 2000. "Predicting Air Quality Near Roadways through the Application of a Gaussian Puff Model to Moving Sources," 93 rd Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association , Salt Lake City, UT, June 18-22, 2000.
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