Unconventional Aircraft (UA) Noise Research
The U.S. DOT Volpe Center’s Acoustics Unconventional Aircraft (UA) Noise Research Team, in support of the FAA’s Office of Environment and Energy (AEE), was created to focus on issues relating to the noise and community acceptance of UAs as they begin to enter into the National Airspace System.
The goals and responsibilities of the UA Noise Research team include, but are not limited to:
- Perform “certification-compatible” noise measurements and audio recordings of aerial mobility aircraft to develop a database that can be used for future noise certification schemes;
- Evaluate and analyze data obtained from noise measurement flight-testing by the Volpe team and others, as available, to support AEE in developing means to address such noise; and
- Participate in domestic and international organizations focused on addressing noise from aerial mobility aircraft, including development of technical specifications and requirements related to noise certification, as appropriate.
The documents and datasets found below are a collection of the team’s work as of December 2020:
- Read, David R., David A. Senzig, Christopher J. Cutler, Eric Elmore, and Hua He. Noise Measurement Report: Unconventional Aircraft - Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma; July 2019. FAA UAS National Airspace Integration Pilot Program Measurement and Initial Noise Data Report - May 2020. DOT-VNTSC-FAA-20-03, DOT/FAA/AEE/2020-04, May 2020.
- Senzig, David A., Mehmet Marsan, David R. Read, and Christopher J. Cutler. Sound exposure level duration adjustments during UAS rotorcraft noise certification. DOT-VNTSC-FAA-18-07, September 2018.