General Guidance Document - Topics
The Human Factors Considerations in the Design and Evaluation of Flight Deck Displays and Controls document contains 10 chapters or “topic areas” that provide human factors regulatory and guidance material, as well as recommendations and best practices from industry, academia, and government research organizations. The 10 chapters are as follows:
Chapter 2 – Display Hardware
Addresses topics related to the viewability, readability, and legibility of the display due to characteristics of the hardware, such as its resolution and size, or its placement and location in the flight deck.
Chapter 3 – Electronic Display Information Elements and Features
Addresses the design and format of information on the display, e.g. labels, symbols, and color.
Chapter 4 – Considerations for Alerting
Provides context and examples of the use of the term “alert” in regulatory and guidance material and provides information for the design and evaluation of warnings, cautions, advisories, messages, and annunciations.
Chapter 5 – Organizing Electronic Display Information Elements
Describes how different displays should be arranged on the flight deck and how individual information elements and/or displays can be configured.
Chapter 6 – Controls
Addresses the design, layout, and operation of controls and discusses unique usability issues for specific types of controls.
Chapter 7 – Design Philosophy
Describes prescribed human factors practices for the use of a flight deck design philosophy.
Chapter 8 – Intended Function
Contains guidance for evaluating the intended function of a system.
Chapter 9 – Error Management, Prevention, Detection, and Recovery
Addresses considerations for identifying and mitigating the potential for human error.
Chapter 10 – Workload
Addresses minimum flight crew requirements and discusses methods for evaluating workload.
Chapter 11 – Automation
Discusses changes to the flight crew’s role and method of operation.