16.1 Phase I and FY16 Phase II Awards
See Phase I and Phase II Awards
Awardee name/address | Topic Number |
16.1 Phase I |
Applied Engineering Management Corporation (W)13880 Dulles Corner Lane, Suite 300 A Mobile and Social Approach to Fostering Casual Carpooling in New Corridors PI: Kelley Pecheux |
16.1-FH1 |
Charles River Analytics Multimodal Alerting Interface with Networked Short-range Transmissions (MAIN-ST) PI: Michael Jenkins |
16.1-FH2 |
Novateur Research Solutions LLC Pedestrian and Cyclist Detection Devices for Transit Buses PI: Khurram Hassan-Shafique |
16.1-FT1 |
Phase II |
AGNIK, LLC Personalized Driving Data for Insurance Discounts & Public Benefits PI:Hillol Kargupta |
14.1-FH2 |
GS Engineering, Inc. (HubZ) Easy Access to Freight Locomotives PI: Glen Simula |
14.1-FR3 |
Harmonia Holdings Group, LLC (Phase IIB) Simulating Signal Phase and Timing With an Intersection Collision Avoidance Traffic Model PI:Marc Abrams |
10.1-FH3 |
Innovative Dynamics Inc. (W) Environmentally Neutral Electric Bike Share System PI: Joseph Gerardi |
14.2-OS1 |
Intelligent Automation Inc. (W) Suppressing Utility Problems- Protection via Robotic Engineering to the Sub-Surface PI:Devendra Tolani |
14.1-FH3 |
Intelligent Automation Inc. (W) A Wireless Sensor Network with Accurate Time Synchronization and Wide Area Coverage for Traffic Signal Timing Analysis PI: Dr. George Zhao |
10.1-FH2 |
Intelligent Automation Inc. (W) Low Profile Microwave Radar and WiFi Sensors for Visually Unobtrusive Vehicle Detection and Travel Time Monitoring PI: Dr. George Zhao |
14.1-FH5 |
Intelligent Automation Inc. Multi-Modal Driver Distraction and Fatigue Detection/Warning System (MDF) PI: Devendra Tolani |
14.2-FM1 |
Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. MySidewalk PI: Madhav Erraguntla |
14.2-FH1 |
Migma Systems, Inc. (W) (M) (Phase IIB) A Multi-Pedestrian Counting System using Fusion of Stereo Camera and Laser Scanner PI: Bo Ling |
091-FH4 |
Migma Systems, Inc. (W) (M) A Reliable Transit Passenger Counting and Re-identification System Using Occlusion-Proof Biometrics PI: Bo Ling |
14.2-FT1 |
Savari, Inc. (Phase IIB) Smart Cross – Traffic Signal Interface on the Smartphone PI: Navin Katta |
11.1-FH1 |
Solar Roadways, Inc. (Phase IIB) Self-Sustaining Intelligent Pavement System PI: Scott Brusaw |
091-FH5 |
Tool Inc. Device to Address the Competing Needs of Ensuring Lockability of Seat Belts and Mitigating Entrapment Risk in Misuse Conditions PI: William Liteplo |
14.2-NH1 |
ZKxKZ, LLC Long Life, Low Cost Mini-roundabouts From Simple Modular Shapes and Recycled Material PI: Dr. Jerome P. Fanucci |
14.2-FH3 |