15.1 Phase I and II Awards
Solicitation Number DTRT57-15-R-SBIR1
See Phase I and Phase II awards.
Phase I |
Awardee Name/Address | Topic Number |
Soar Technology Inc. 3600 Green Court, Suite 600 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Driver’s Assistant for Intelligent SafetY (DAISY) PI: Jacob CrossmanEmail: jcrossman@soartech.com |
15.1-FH1 |
Integrated Global Dimensions LLC (M)(W) 12850 W. Bluff Road Malcolm, NE 68402 Transportation Tech: ITS Curricula and Credential Development PI: Valerie D. LeflerEmail: valerie.lefler@integratedglobaldimensions.com |
15.1-FH2 |
Charles River Analytics Inc. 625 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02130 Bayesian Assessments and Real-Time Rider Alerting and Cueing for Upcoming Danger Avoidance (BARRACUDA) PI: Dr. Michael JenkinsEmail: mjenkins@cra.com |
15.1-FH3 |
CLR Analytics Inc. (M) 8885 Research Drive, Suite 150 Irvine, CA 92618 Evaluating System Impacts of Automated Vehicles: A Multi-Resolution Modeling Approach PI: Lianyu ChuEmail: lchu@clr-analytics.com |
15.1-FH4 |
Sharma & Associates Inc. (M) 5810 South Grant Street Hinsdale, IL 60521 Proposed Architecture for a Wireless Digital Train Line Email: anand@sharma-associates.com |
15.1-FR1 |
Technical Products Inc. 50 Pratts Junction Road Sterling, MA 01564 Moving Equipment Danger Personal Alert System (MEDPAS) PI: Paul ChambersEmail: paul.chambers@technicalproductinc.us |
15.1-FR2 |
Sharma & Associates Inc. (M) 5810 South Grant Street Hinsdale, IL 60521 Next-Gen Freight Truck for Autoracks PI: Anand VithaniEmail: avithani@sharma-associates.com |
15.1-FR3 |
No Award | 15.1-FR4 |
Benten Technologies Inc. (M) 13996 Parkeast Circle, Suite 105 Chantilly, VA 20151 Train Reporting And Inspection INdex (TRAIN) PI: Tony MaEmail: tonyma@bententech.com |
15.1-FR5 |
Physical Optics Corporation (W) Integrated System Division 1845 West 205th Street Torrance, CA 90501-1510 Locomotive Flashing Light Alerting (FLA) system PI: Alexander MilovanovEmail: atproposals@poc.com |
15.1-FR6 |
R-DEX Systems 3417 Chartley Lane Roswell, GA 30075-6135 TrackMap: Long Range Detection and Warning System PI: Robert BockEmail: robert@r-dex.com |
15.1-FR7 |
NAVMAR Applied Sciences Corporation 65 West Street - RD Building C Warminster, PA 18974 Long Range ROW Detection and Warning System PI: Peter RaitiEmail: praiti@navmar.com |
15.1-FR7 |
Physical Sciences Inc. 20 New England Business Center Andover, MA 01810-1077 Advancement Laminate for Rail Temperature Control PI: Christopher M. LangEmail: lang@psicorp.com |
15.1-FR8 |
dFuzion, Inc. (M) 21536 Iredell Terrace Ashburn, VA 20148 Ride Performance Assessment System (RPAS) PI: Treasa ParakkatEmail: tparakkat@dfuzion.com |
15.1-FR9 |
Integrated Global Dimensions LLC (M) (W) 12850 West Bluff Road Malcolm, NE 68402 Liberty: A Customer Based Mobility Application for Rural America PI: Valerie D. LeflerEmail: valerie.lefler@integratedglobaldimensions.com |
15.1-FT1 |
Via Analytics A Software Solution to Control Bus-bunching using Networked, Commoditized Tablets PI: Dylan SalonerEmail: Dylan@v-a.io |
15.1-FT1 |
Intelligent Fiber Optic Sensing Systems Corp. Email: rjb@ifos.com |
15.1-FT1 |
BCO Inc. Braking Rate Monitoring and Warning System PI: Martin SchrageEmail: mschrage@bco-inc.co |
15.1-FT1 |
Sabra, Wang & Associates, Inc. An On-Board Eco-Approach and Departure System for Transit Vehicles PI: Keith RinikerEmail: kriniker@sabra-wang.com |
15.1-FT1 |
Creare LLC 16 Great Hollow Road Hanover, NH 03755 Improved Thermal and Acoustic Comfort for Motorcycle Helmets PI: Benjamin H. CameronEmail: bhc@creare.com |
15.1-NH1 |
Phase II |
E-systems Communications Corp. Mobile Device Application Component PI: Mana Sriphet |
10.2-FH3 |
Fuchs Consulting Inc. Development of a Thermographic Device for Evaluating Integrity of Steel Bridge Coatings Nondestructively PI: Paul Fuchs |
091-FH2 Phase IIB |
JENTEK Sensors Inc. Pipeline Integrity Assessment Using In-Line Inspection PI: Brian Manning |
13.2-PH1 |
Koo and Associates Int. (W) Development of Innovative Welding For High Performance Bridge Steel PI: Ben Rech |
13.2-FH1 |
Metna Co. Advanced Rapid Non-destructive Test Method to Determine Chemical Composition of Concrete Materials in the Field PI: Jue Lu |
12.2-FH2 Phase IIB |
NanoSonic Inc. STEM Education – Increasing Awareness About Intelligent Transportation Systems and Connected Vehicle Technologies for High School Students PI: Dr. Richard O. Claus |
14.1-FH4 |
New Global Systems for Intelligent Transportation Management Open Source Microscopic Flow Model for Researchers, Universities & Special Projects PI: Li Zhang |
081-FH5 Phase IIB |
Pulsar Informatics Inc. Individualized Fatigue Management Program Technology for Trucking Operations PI: Daniel Mollicone |
091-FM1 Phase IIB |
Quantum Signal LLC Research and Development of a Game Based Technology and Database to Train Pre-Drivers, Young Drivers, and Older Drivers to Detect Traffic Hazards PI: Steve M. Rohde |
13.2-FH2 |
TECHKNOWSERV Corp. (W) Hybrid Laser Arc Welding For Thick Plate High Performance Steels PI: Thomas R. Hay |
13.2-FH1 |
(W)- Women-Owned Business
(M)- Minority-Owned Business
(H)- Hub-Zone Business