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Introducing Students to Careers in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
In 2014, FHWA sponsored an SBIR topic titled “STEM Education: Increasing Awareness about Intelligent Transportation Systems and Connected Vehicle Technologies for High School Students.” The topic aimed to create innovative, hands-on, problem-based learning opportunities that would give students the...U.S. Department of Transportation Names Small Business Innovation Research Program Award Recipients
The U.S. DOT has awarded 26 U.S. small businesses a total of $11,850,000 as part of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.
Supporting Safe Handoff between Human Drivers and Automated Driving Systems
With support from U.S. DOT’s SBIR program, Soar Technology, Inc., developed a system that alerts drivers to their surroundings during the handoff between an automated driving system and a human driver.
New Seat Belt Locking Mechanisms Aim to Improve Child Safety
With support from the U.S. DOT SBIR program and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Tool, Inc. designed and developed prototype seat belt retractor countermeasures aimed at reducing the risk of seat belt entrapment.
A Safer Way to Access Freight Locomotives
With support from the U.S. DOT SBIR program and the Federal Railroad Administration, GS Engineering developed and tested a system that makes accessing freight locomotives easier and safer for railroad engineers and workers.
Understanding Traffic Systems with Innovative Pedestrian and Cyclist Detection
A new technology developed with the support of the U.S. DOT SBIR program and FHWA can provide urban planners, designers, and transportation agencies a better understanding of their traffic systems.
WTS International Honors Rachael Barolsky Sack with a “First of its Kind” Award
WTS International recently honored U.S. DOT Volpe Center’s Small Business Innovation Research program manager for her exceptional leadership and commitment with its “Chapter President of the Year” award—the first honor of its kind granted by the association. Find out what made her stand out.
A Look at the Proposals Set to Receive $1.9M in U.S. DOT SBIR Awards
Fourteen U.S. small businesses will receive up to $150,000 each through U.S. DOT’s SBIR program to conduct six months of Phase I concept development. Read on for a brief look at the winning proposals and the small businesses that submitted them.
U.S. DOT’s SBIR 17.1 Solicitation Is Now Open
Small businesses are invited to submit research proposals for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Small Business Innovation Research program fiscal year 2017 solicitation. The solicitation will be open through December 21, 2016.