automated vehicles
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Understanding the Business Case for Automated Bus Technologies
Economists at the U.S. DOT Volpe Center analyzed the cost-effectiveness of a selection of bus automation technologies to help transit agencies evaluate which technologies may yield returns in the form of reduced labor or operations costs.
Supporting Safe Handoff between Human Drivers and Automated Driving Systems
With support from U.S. DOT’s SBIR program, Soar Technology, Inc., developed a system that alerts drivers to their surroundings during the handoff between an automated driving system and a human driver.
Transportation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics: Final Report
Transportation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics, held from June to October 2018, convened distinguished experts in government innovation, vehicle automation, and logistics to consider the promise and potential of recent breakthroughs in machine learning and data...
Transportation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics: Final Report
Transportation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics, held from June to October 2018, convened distinguished experts in government innovation, vehicle automation, and logistics to consider the promise and potential of recent breakthroughs in machine learning and data...
Delivering the Benefits of Self-Driving Technology Safely, Quickly, and Broadly
Self-driving cars could free up two weeks every year for the average driver, according to Chris Urmson, co-founder and CEO of Aurora, who delivered the final talk as part of the U.S. DOT Volpe Center’s Transportation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics speaker series...
Cities Around the Country Are Piloting Low-Speed Automated Shuttles. This Is the State of the Practice.
Automated vehicle innovations are enabling novel vehicles classes, such as low-speed automated shuttles. This is the state of the practice.
Putting Safety in the Driver's Seat
Technology is advancing, societal trends are changing, and new visions for self-driving vehicles are emerging. Harry Lightsey of General Motors provides the manufacturer's perspective on how self-driving cars are putting safety in the driver's seat as part of The Ongoing Transformation of the...
Rethinking the Human-Autonomy Architecture
With automation appearing more and more across daily life—including in air and ground travel—tasks we think of as belonging to humans may soon be taken over by computers, and there could be consequences that haven’t yet been imagined, said Amy Pritchett, professor and head of the Department of...
Safer at Any Speed: Cybersafety for Connected Vehicles
Joshua Corman, the second speaker in Volpe's 2017 series, The Ongoing Transformation of the Global Transportation System, discussed cybersafety in an increasingly hackable world.