New Infographic Shows How Advanced Vehicle Technology Reduces Crashes
What’s the best kind of car crash? The one that never happens.
Check out our new infographic on how advanced technology reduces crashes. This easy-to-read data visualization shows how crash-avoidance technologies prevent crashes and save lives and money. These technologies enable cars to communicate with drivers, other vehicles, and roadway infrastructure.
Crash-avoidance technologies—such as in-vehicle warning systems, vehicle-to-vehicle, and vehicle-to-infrastructure technologies—can potentially address about 95 percent of all vehicle crashes involving unimpaired drivers.
Motor Vehicle Crash Avoidance: Advancing Technology’s Promise of Improving Safety
Volpe has collaborated on crash-avoidance research with the U.S. Department of Transportation, including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, and the Federal Transit Administration.
The infographic tells the story of how Volpe has contributed to the understanding of crash-avoidance technologies. Volpe experts analyze the data and assesses the technologies that will continue to inform rulemaking, federal guidelines, and investment decisions on crash avoidance technology.