Dr. Frank Y. Wang
Principal Technical Advisor for Wake Vortex
Dr. Frank Y. Wang is an aerospace engineer at the U.S. DOT Volpe Center. He has been involved in wake turbulence measurement, analyses, concepts of operation development, safety case construction, sensor evaluation, and wind, weather, and navigational aspects of characterizations related to wake since 2001. He currently leads and manages a team of dedicated engineers/researchers conducting research and development in the aforementioned activities and beyond, such as developments of data-driven safety case, wake and wind processing algorithms, and international collaborative opportunities.
He received his BS in aerospace engineering, and MS and PhD in aeronautics and astronautics, all from an institute formerly known as "Brooklyn Poly," and currently known as Polytechnic Institute of New York University/School of Engineering of NYU. Prior to Volpe, his experience included the "Brooklyn Poly," Center for Naval Analyses, Flow Powers Inc., European Space Agency Astronaut Training Center, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, and NASA Glenn Research Center.