Grand Canyon National Park: Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park - Actions to Substantially Restore Natural Quiet
Sounds associated with aircraft overflights (air tours, general aviation, military operations, and high altitude commercial jet aircraft) are an important management concern at Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP). In 1987, the National Parks Overflight Act (P.L. 100-91) was passed requiring the National Park Service (NPS) and the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to work together to achieve "substantial restoration of the natural quiet" in GCNP. In February 2011, the NPS released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS): Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park. The draft EIS was developed as a plan to address the impacts of aircraft noise on park resources and visitor experience
Volpe has assisted the NPS and FAA with the noise analysis to support the agencies in their efforts to address the overflights issues at Grand Canyon National Park GCNP.
Draft EIS, February 2011
Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park: Actions to Substantially Restore Natural Quiet (PDF, 5 MB)