Volpe IT Specialist Guest Author in AAPA Seaports Magazine on Cybersecurity
Volpe IT Specialist Charles McCarthy recently guest authored for the Winter 2011-2012 issue of AAPA Seaports Magazine. The op-ed, an article entitled "Computer Worms Pose Threat to Port Cyberphysical Systems," encourages port managers to educate themselves about potential holes in their cybersecurity posture, illustrating Volpe's increased focus and role in enhancing the cyberphysical security of America's transportation system. For more information on how the Volpe Center is supporting the Department of Homeland Security in strengthening the security of transportation control systems across modes, check out this Featured Work project here.
Charles is an electrical engineer and IT specialist with more than 30 years of experience in transportation, logistics and information technology. Interestingly enough, he is also an attorney, a skill that informs his work as the maritime project manager for Volpe's Transportation Logistics and Security Technical Center.
Take a look at Charles' excerpt on page 34.
Container terminals, such as this one in Norfolk, Va., are among facilities that rely upon cyberphysical systems. (Volpe photo / Charles McCarthy)