Safer at Any Speed: Cybersafety for Connected Vehicles
Joshua Corman
Director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative, the Atlantic Council
The Ongoing Transformation of the Global Transportation System speaker series is exploring challenges and opportunities affecting the advancement of transportation systems.
This series continues the U.S. DOT Volpe Center’s long history of convening thought leaders, decision makers, and stakeholders from across the global transportation enterprise to anticipate future transportation issues, generate fresh approaches to emerging issues, anticipate transportation trends, and inform decision making.
Joshua Corman, director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council's Brent Scowcroft Center and a founder of I Am The Cavalry, presented his talk, "Safer at Any Speed: Cybersafety for Connected Vehicles."
About the Speaker
Joshua Corman is the director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council's Brent Scowcroft Center and a founder of I Am The Cavalry. Corman previously served as CTO for Sonatype, director of security intelligence for Akamai, and in senior research and strategy roles for The 451 Group and IBM Internet Security Systems. He co-founded Rugged Software and I Am The Cavalry to encourage new security approaches in response to the world’s increasing dependence on digital infrastructure.
Corman's unique approach to security in the context of human factors, adversary motivations, and social impact has helped position him as one of the most trusted names in security. He is also an adjunct faculty member at Carnegie Mellon’s Heinz College and served on the 2016 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Cybersecurity Task Force.
News and Video
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